GST registration and GST Return Filing . GSTR1 GSTR2 GSTR3B . File GSTR 9/GSTR9C before 31 Dec 2023 . Whose Turnover is above 2 Crore is to file this GSTR9 . Also Input service distributor. Whose Turnover is above Rs 5: Crore has to File GSTR9C . for Yearly GSTR9 filing Please Contact Sayyedandassociates .
Sayyed And Associates 2023-12-27T05:56:27 2023-12-27T05:56:27
Sayyed And Associates 
GST registration and GST Return Filing . GSTR1 GSTR2 GSTR3B . File GSTR 9/GSTR9C before 31 Dec 2023